AWS Protecting Workloads Workshop - Cleanup

Do not perform cleanup if you are at an AWS event where the Event Engine is being used. This is handled automatically.

Click here if you're not at an AWS event or are using your own account

Now that you have completed this workshop, follow the steps below to clean up the artifacts that were created.

  1. Go to the Systems Manager Patch Manager console.

  2. Click Configure patching. Click on the Patch baselines tab.

  3. Find the Amazon Linux 2 patch baseline that was supplied by AWS. Click on its radio button. From the Actions menu, click Set default patch baseline. This restores the default patch baseline for Amazon Linux 2 to that which was provided by AWS.

  4. Delete the custom patch baseline for Amazon Linux 2.

  5. Go to the Amazon Inspector console.

  6. Click on the Assessment runs menu item and delete the runs you created. You will be prompted for approval to delete the findings associated with the runs.

  7. Click on the Assessment templates menu item and delete the template you created.

  8. Click on the Assessment targets and delete the assessment target you created.

  9. Go to the WAF console and remove the conditions from the rules that you created

  10. Go to the WAF console and delete the conditions you created.

  11. Go to the WAF console and delete the rules you created.

  12. Go to the CloudFormation console and delete the stack that you created.